Insight on Zambia


I had the opportunity of interviewing a journalist from Zambia and learning more about the country. I interviewed Sailas Ahmed Kafunda he is a journalist in Zambia that comes from a family of journalist. He currently works for Zam bloggers. We discussed how he got into journalism, how he views the United States, and the freedom of press of Zambia.

His passion for journalism started as a child, he had access to children's programs at NBC and he joined media clubs in high school. He says the freedom of press in Zambia is good and people are able to express themselves. The only thing hindering the freedom of press is the right to privacy. Some politicians are able to deem stories as unworthy to be public although the public might be interested. Journalist are pretty safe when reporting in Zambia but political cartels exist and they threaten journalist. The political cartels support a certain party and don't want negative views put out about their candidates. Zambia has the same social media platforms but the most common is Facebook. Instagram is used for social activities such as the things they do in their personal lives. People are also able to get their news from the newspaper, TV, and radio.

People in Zambia view the United States as what they see in movies. The people feel like the United States is the leader of greater opportunities. People follow the entertainers, actors, and musicians. The negative narrative of Africa can change by journalist showing more of the positive sides of the country. The journalist in Zambia aren't doing a good enough job by promoting their country. He likes how the United States shares the positive things that go on in the country.

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls

Zambia is a developing country and the untied states funds them as far as their health and education. It is developing quickly and people are able to enjoy their tourist areas. Zambia has national parks people can visit and their population continues to grow. Mining remains as one of essential parts of Zambia. Zambia doesn't have enough resources for their journalist to thrive. Zamiba barely benefits from globalization because their are barriers on trade. People usually get their news from Facebook because it's faster to get. Social media is taking over although some news can be misleading. They are able to distinguish what news is actually authentic there. The most popular sport in Zambia is futbol different from the United States.

The media in Zambia can improve by the pluralism in the issuing of broadcasting licences. Minimal state interferance of media content. Amend the law of privacy and defamation to allow reporters investigate and publish stories that Matter to the public. Also, by lowering the price to access the modern digital signals to people willing to open a media house. 

Zambia ranks 119th out of 180 countries in the world press freedom. According to the article Zambia in Red on RSF 2018 World Press Freedom Index, “The 2018 World Press Freedom Index, compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF), reflects growing animosity towards journalists. Hostility towards the media, openly encouraged by political leaders, and the efforts of authoritarian regimes to export their vision of journalism pose a threat to democracies,” the RSF stated. Journalist have been attacked in Zambia and faced time in prison. The government tries to make it harder on journalist to publish news stories. Their freedom of press is known to be not free. Political propaganda does exist in zambia among their leaders and different political parties.

"Zambia is among 47 countries is in red on the 2018 World Press Freedom Index, denoting a bad performance in press freedom, as there is growing animosity and hostility openly encouraged by political leaders towards journalists." The journalist I interviewed stated that zambia's freedom of press was good and their journalist are safe. As I'm doing research on the country it is the total opposite. Zambia definitely has strides to make for their journalist and government to work cohesively. 

