Monday motivation

 "Stay positive and happy. Work hard and don't give up hope. Be open to criticism and keep learning. Surround yourself with happy, warm and genuine people"



Everyone isn't going to love you, but focus on the ones that do. You might not be where you want in life at the moment; keep working because things will get better. We're human, so we're going to experience trials and tribulations. We're going to have good times and bad times throughout life. Certain people are going to make you happy, hate on you, and unfortunately hurt your feelings. It's all apart of life, but it's the strong ones that make it and don't let it break them. There's no perfect relationship or friendship, but find people who genuinely make you happy and want success just as bad as you do. Find friends that keep it real with you, are able to make you laugh, and always have a positive outlook on life. Always try to see the bright side of things, but I'm not telling you to take back a cheater. Everybody faces adversity and some of the most beautiful people have struggled numerous times. Be open to constructive criticism it'll benefit you in the long run. Whether you're being criticized on your craft or relationship use it to improve and be better.  

If there's anything you'd want in life go get it period.