Food for thought


What is your purpose? 

If no achievement is going to live up to the expectations that we’ve had of how it was going to make us feel, then what is the point of achieving them? Well here is the tricky part of life. All your life people push you to think your purpose is your profession, but It is not. Your purpose is what truly makes you happy and fulfills your soul as a person. Your profession, however, is how you contribute to the society and fulfills your material desires and survival needs. Although your purpose could also align with your profession, it is not necessary for it to do so. You can use your profession and the platform it gives you to fulfill your purpose. Also, you can have a profession that you enjoy being occupied by while you fulfill your purpose during your free time. The amount of money you get paid does not define the quality of your purpose, nor does it fulfill it less or more based on the money you are making of it. We have to realize and disseminate these two definitions in order to achieve happiness throughout our life. Happiness and the feeling we are seeking to achieve is not going to come by from the next test, next degree, next million dollars, or the job we land, it comes from within, and it can happen at any moment. It can be as easy as making a decision and ending the wait. There is nothing in the way of our happiness and feelings of fulfillment other than ourselves. Unless we rely on external aspects of life (fortune) to fulfill and give us our happiness, which is a very unstable ground to stand on since nothing is promised and anything can happen (good or bad) at any moment. Therefore, for happiness and feeling of fulfillment, rely on your internal self, only, and not even your loved ones. So that you’d never be let down, nor can it be taken away, because regardless of what or who leaves or comes to you, the good and the bad, it cannot take away your personal agent. When you find your happiness with you and you love yourself, you will be eternally happy. It becomes a state of life. This does not mean that you should not care about others or not love as hard; in fact, once you achieve your happiness and fulfill your soul internally, you’ll realize how much easier it is to love and care for others unconditionally. You’ll still have bad days, sad moods, and potentially short depressing periods, but internally through it all, you will have an awareness or strength and an everlasting light from within that can carry you through any struggle. So, achieve all your professional goals, but don’t wait for the feeling of happiness and fulfillment to occur because of them. Instead, live through your purpose and achieve happiness and fulfillment from within, then achieving your goals will become much easier and enjoyable.